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Psychotherapy is a powerful intervention for addressing psychological suffering and providing the means to live one’s most satisfying life.

The therapist's training, method of psychotherapy, and areas of specialization are important factors in terms of providing treatment. In general terms, the two most common approaches are Cognitive Behavioral and Psychodynamic.


Cognitive Behavior therapy is brief, time-limited, highly structured and directed, with instructional elements and homework as key elements.


A Psychodynamic therapy is open-ended, less structured and is more interactive and collaborative in nature. The relationship between the therapist and patient are important means for discovering how an individual relates to others in their life.


I use a psychodynamic approach. While not suited for every situation, I believe that this approach offers the deepest and most long-lasting understanding and change

Reasons for Seeking Treatment

Often reasons for seeking treatment are not discrete but are intertwined and overlapping. An acute life event can unearth earlier life difficulties and in this way interfere with mourning and complicate periods of transition.

  • Some people seek therapy when they are in the midst of a transition such as relocation, illness, breakup, pregnancy, marriage or retirement. 

  • Some people seek therapy because they feel depressed or anxious or disconnected and empty, in spite of having relationships or professional successes.  

  • Some people notice patterns that repeat across different relationships and different situations that interfere with obtaining what they desire, such as meaningful relationships, advancement in their professional or personal lives and an overall sense of satisfaction.


Email or call me to set up a complimentary phone consultation to determine your personal needs.


Kiana Keihani, PhD

870 Market Street, Suite 857

San Francisco, CA 94102


Tel: 415 345 8797​ 


© 2022 by Kiana Keihani, PhD

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